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09-SEP-2014 Vern Rogers (fotabug fotos)

Climbing the Columns

This popular basalt wall of rock is located on the edge of downtown Eugene. It may be small but it has a great concentration of cracks and is a popular spot for rock climbing practice. Yesterday I shot a Belladonna Lily. Today was Belladonna of a different kind. Belladonna means beautiful woman in Italian. I watched two beautiful young ladies do the climb. Even took some photof for them when one of them asked me to take some pictures with her iPhone.

For more detail, see -

Nikon 1 V1 ,Nikon 1 Nikkor 10-100mm f/4-5.6 VR
1/1000s f/4.5 at 13.6mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Tom LeRoy11-Sep-2014 12:31
The elements work so well here, beautiful shot of the climbing "Belladonna"! V
John Ewing11-Sep-2014 07:12
Nicely composed, Vern. The basalt is very like our Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland.
Marco Valk11-Sep-2014 06:21
Great perspective. It brings tension to this image. Nicely done.
gray clements11-Sep-2014 03:07
fantastic,a very dramatic capture
Carl Carbone11-Sep-2014 02:31
Perfectly composed and great POV!
Tom Munson10-Sep-2014 23:44
Great shot, love the composition.
Bob Davis10-Sep-2014 23:43
nice POV Vern, well done.
JSB PHOTOGRAPHS10-Sep-2014 23:21
Fantastic shot Vern, nice angle too!
Stephanie10-Sep-2014 22:14
Not for the weak kneed (like me)!!
Great capture Vern! :)
Buz Kiefer10-Sep-2014 21:30
Nice POV and the colors on the girl and the girl herself make a fine counterpoint for the lines and harsh surface of the basalt columns. Very nice, Vern. Vote.
Barry Ailetcher 10-Sep-2014 19:43
Great shot
Ed Duverger10-Sep-2014 19:39
Everybody did a great job here.Good detail in the dark basalt.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)10-Sep-2014 18:45
Judith Barnett10-Sep-2014 16:59
This looks like the Devil's Post Pile near Mammoth, Ca.
Julie Oldfield10-Sep-2014 16:30
Very nice POV.
Guest 10-Sep-2014 16:06
Rock climbing has swept the Western States like a cyclone wind. Every where you hike now days there are rock climbers.
exzim10-Sep-2014 15:58
Great shot Vern, now its your turn to climb.
s_barbour10-Sep-2014 14:07
Wow, brave women...great picture Vern!
Jim Coffman10-Sep-2014 12:24
I have always felt these folks have a death wish.. Nice capture...
Hank Vander Velde10-Sep-2014 12:19
A well captured image Vern. Looks like a super place and lots of fun for the young folk. Thanks for the informative link too.
Steve Thuman10-Sep-2014 11:47
Nice view......
Yvonne10-Sep-2014 11:17
The dark rocks make a great background for the young woman Vern. v
Roger Bailey10-Sep-2014 11:10
The angle give the impression of big climb.
Martin Lamoon10-Sep-2014 07:59
Terrific point of view, great shot, but don't go climbing up after her!
graham 10-Sep-2014 07:22
My goodness Vern you climbing again great shot would not get me up their my friend
Ann10-Sep-2014 07:04
Great image Vern, lovely POV.
John S 10-Sep-2014 06:16
Wow, great capture! Love the wide angle shot :)
Bryan Murahashi10-Sep-2014 05:08
Cool shot of these vertical pillars. Great climbing shot. V
Laura Milholland10-Sep-2014 04:20
Nicely shot, Vern. I like the bright pink top against the dark rock. And that blue sky is marvelous too.
Arnie Peterschmidt10-Sep-2014 04:20
I like the composition and contrasting colors.
Bea.10-Sep-2014 04:12
Something different, and she now has proof she did the climb!
joseantonio10-Sep-2014 04:09
Very nice POV.V
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