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Eldar Kadymov | all galleries >> Galleries >> Discovering Mystique Peru > Heading To Robb The Bank On Totora Cruiser, Titicaca Lake
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Heading To Robb The Bank On Totora Cruiser, Titicaca Lake

Lake Titicaca is the world's highest lake navigable to large vessels, lying at 12,500 feet (3,810 m) above sea level in the Andes Mountains of South America, astride the border between Peru to the west and Bolivia to the east. Titicaca is the second largest lake of South America (after Maracaibo). The remnants of an ancient people, the Uru, still live on floating mats of dried totora (a reedlike papyrus that grows in dense brakes in the marshy shallows) on floatings islands of Uro which are about 17. From the totora, the Uru and other lake dwellers make their famed balsas--boats fashioned of bundles of dried reeds lashed together that resemble the crescent-shaped papyrus craft pictured on ancient Egyptian monuments.

Needless to mention that it's the best image of Titicaca totora boat in existence...

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Evaristo Buendia Carrera17-Jun-2015 20:16
Amazing day and perfect shot..! V
Zoltán Balogh02-Sep-2009 19:54
Beautiful Eldar, very big vote! V
FrankB18-Aug-2009 13:03
awesome shot Eldar...the background is indescribably majestic...V
Peter Sussex27-Jun-2009 08:31
Perfect sort of transportation for discovering Peru. And a perfect capture!
BleuEvanescence04-Jan-2009 18:34
......i again feel transported in a complete other era and yes,
this type of embarcation probably surfed the Nile...
Marcela Mejia Photography29-Dec-2008 16:24
Very nice picture , fell like we are there.
nomada16-Mar-2008 17:44
Fascinating image!
Bill Warren02-Feb-2008 01:30
This is pretty perfect. Voted
Milan Vogrin31-Jan-2008 11:09
Great photo! V!
endre novak10-Jan-2008 22:00
beautiful. v
Marcia Colelli10-Jan-2008 00:33
beautiful detail and color, very unique looking boat. Nice song. :) V
BleuEvanescence04-Sep-2007 03:37
if the flag had not been on this embarcation...
the impression of stepping in another era
would have been almost complete...
mathilda williams02-Aug-2007 00:49
magnificent photo!
big vote
Eldar Kadymov21-Jul-2007 04:54
Judi, my new girlfriend had so many things revised in my uncontrollable life that I am not sure if even the camera remains the same anymore...
judi221-Jul-2007 04:22
You are too funny Eldar!! and you've changed your style..a little less "ornate", and brilliant as always..
Noor Khan10-Jul-2007 03:34
Beautiful image, and colour, and tune!
Liz Bickel02-Jul-2007 21:32
Gorgeous, stunning shot! This is soooo pretty.
Debbie Blackburn Beierle30-Jun-2007 06:49
Excellent shot! v
Gordon W27-Jun-2007 13:40
Very cool!
Ali Majdfar27-Jun-2007 09:24
Amazing boat! Excellent shot. GMV
Guest 26-Jun-2007 02:07
Guest 19-Jun-2007 00:53
Wonderful image..great music !
Yves Dubois15-Jun-2007 23:13
superb picture, (V)
edwina beaumont13-Jun-2007 14:17
very nicely done
Ann Cleeves12-Jun-2007 21:36
Fantastic photo,,,lovely colours. Great boat and info you've supplied.....but the passenger is scary...I think he is hijacking the vessel.
Guest 09-Jun-2007 22:27
great shot!
Lampridis Dimitris09-Jun-2007 05:18
Hi Eldar , Very interesting photos ! ! ! i love it, voted * * * * *
Guest 08-Jun-2007 15:44
Wonderful picture, excellent composition and detail.
Eldar Kadymov07-Jun-2007 18:06
Dima, if I ever was thrown in the waters of Titicaca you would've never seen the this picture, as temperature of water was about 12C, LOL. Michael strongly believes that I am a ultimate devil and creature from underworld, yet even my diabolic heat would vanish at such hostile chill !
Dmitry Zamorin07-Jun-2007 17:38
Incredible capture! The angle and the stories below suggests that the photographer shot this "evil" after he was thrown overboard;-)
Eldar Kadymov03-Jun-2007 20:46
Undoubtfully, Michael, there is such satanic presence in every bit of the paddle strokes that my hands were shaking while taking the image... You, with your as-usual forethinking grasped this right on spot... There is a moment which skipped your attention, though... I am not sure how Haron looked like, but even I cannot explain presence of such mezmerizing character on presumably Inca's boat dressed in cowboy unform, wearing Stetson and hiding his face under the late 19th century bank robbery mask ?! Could you ?!
Michael Weinberg03-Jun-2007 19:52
Hello Eldar. I can see from the thumbnails that I am going to have some deliriously evil fun going through your "Discovery of Mystique Peru" gallery. This first photo is a triumph of pure evil, featuring the twin guardians of the River Styx sailing indomitably downstream with the dark hatted Hades on board, directing the oarsmen in a discordant cacophonic beat. The people, residing along side the mountains shudder with trepidation as this vessel of evil with the official Peruvian flag passes by. Though horrified, all those who witness the scene as photographed here, take special notice of the striking contrasts and superb depth of field which puts the central subject spectacularly into the foreground. Could it be? Could this vision of evil be the anticipated first photo of the greatest Peruvian gallery of all time? Perhaps. Very premature to make such an all-sweeping judgement with just one photo. But if history is correct, this photo could be a sign of things to come. With frenzied anticipation, Ciao, Michael.
tomsview03-Jun-2007 19:19
Beautiful shot!
Paco López03-Jun-2007 17:00
Spectacular, Eldar!!!!!!! I love this boat!! Big vote!