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Duncan | all galleries >> Fractal Images >> 3D Fractals > Julia dragon landscape 3D
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Julia dragon landscape 3D

This is a 3D version of the previous Julia set fractal. The clouds were added in Photoshop for effect.

The 3D fractal uses the same colors as the 2D version, but uses distance estimate data to create a height map.

If you have FratalWorks 0.6.0 or later, you can plot this image yourself by clicking the link below:

Fractalworks plot Julia Dragon Landscape
The 3D settings for FractalWorks were as follows:

Plot height: 0.12
Peak steepness: 0.3
Plot flipped: Yes
Camera x: 0
Camera y: 0
Camera z: -0.585
Ambient light: 0.2
Directional light: 0.6
Specular light: 0.2
Surface shininess: 100
Light x direction: -1
Light Y direction: 1
Light z direction: 1

other sizes: small medium large original auto