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Fractal Images

FractalWorks is a high performance fractal renderer for Macintosh computers. You can purchase FractalWorks in the Mac App Store
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8-Pointed star Mandelbrot.JPG
8-Pointed star Mandelbrot.JPG
Paul Bourke image.JPG
Paul Bourke image.JPG
Julia-Mandelbrot pair Julia.JPG
Julia-Mandelbrot pair Julia.JPG
Julia-Mandelbrot pair Mandelbrot.JPG
Julia-Mandelbrot pair Mandelbrot.JPG
Flying Elephants.JPG
Flying Elephants.JPG
Elephant valley JuliaJPG
Elephant valley JuliaJPG
Elephant Valley Julia 3D flipped.jpg
Elephant Valley Julia 3D flipped.jpg
Elephant Valley Julia 3D.jpg
Elephant Valley Julia 3D.jpg
Wiggly-squiggly 3D.jpg
Wiggly-squiggly 3D.jpg
Upside-down Wiggly-squiggly 3D.jpg
Upside-down Wiggly-squiggly 3D.jpg
Gnarly Julia #2 sm.jpg
Gnarly Julia #2 sm.jpg
Blue & yellow Julia DE 3D.jpg
Blue & yellow Julia DE 3D.jpg
:: mandelbrot_shapes ::
Recursive video fractal 2
Recursive video fractal 2
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