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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area GROCERY STORES and Food Markets Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1960's - Shell's City beer can
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1960's Found on the net

1960's - Shell's City beer can

Miami, Florida

I believe National Breweries in Miami brewed this beer for Shell's City which came in a steel can with the seam on the back.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Don Boyd23-Apr-2016 20:53
John T, you're even older than me and I, and many others, would love to hear what life was like living in Miami back then. I was only 5 in 1952 and while we lived in Miami I didn't get out and about like you and I can't remember much of what I saw at that age. Thanks!

JohnT 23-Apr-2016 19:37
I bagged groceries at Shell's City in 1952.
Bill Sullivan 19-Jul-2009 21:47
Anybody raised near Shadowlawn Elementary will recall Harvey's Market on NW 2nd Ave & 48 St. The ice cold Yoo-Hoo tasted great! Mr. Harvey used to cure meat in the back of the store, so it had a constant "good" smell of peppery beef jerky. A/C was rare in 50's Miami - only large ceiling fans. Life was so simple then (sigh).