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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area SCHOOLS, Classes, Teams, Bands, and Clubs Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1947 - Mrs. Williams' 2nd grade class at Coral Gables Elementary in Coral Gables
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Spring 1947 Courtesy of Steve McDonald

1947 - Mrs. Williams' 2nd grade class at Coral Gables Elementary in Coral Gables

Coral Gables, Florida

Thank you to Steve McDonald for contributing this great old image of his class.

This totally smiling class consisted of, BY ROW FRONT TO REAR, starting on the left:

1st row: Teddy Hodge, John Hutton, Alfred Waldress, Mike Adams, Gail Tunet, Billy Shields, and Jean Harrel

2nd row: Sylvia Apra, Randy & Ward Cox, Artha Gay Dabney, Dot McGoogan, Fay Cockwright, Steve McDonald, George Stamos and Mrs. Williams

3rd row: Patty Shanklin, Donny Bell & Bryon Madge, Marty Martin-Vegue, Paul Tully, Billy Smith, Isabel Jordan, and Janet Congdon

4th row: visitor, Frank Davis, Dale Murphy, Hope Hanson, Warren Dicker, Nancy Colson, and Buddy Wellston

5th row: Trent Woods, Diana Ruff & Virginia Burgess, Bobby Snare, Richard Paw, Billy Hager, and Robert Witham

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Karen Moen19-Feb-2008 19:06
It is amazing how many students were in the class! I love old photos like this. Thanks for sharing.