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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area GROCERY STORES and Food Markets Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1960 - Frederichs Discount Center, Bird and Ludlam Roads, Dade County, Florida
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1960 - Frederichs Discount Center, Bird and Ludlam Roads, Dade County, Florida

6770 Bird Road (SW 40 Street), Miami, Florida

This large supermarket was on the southwest corner of Bird and Ludlam Roads.

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Dayle 25-Jul-2009 21:11
My parents shopped at the Frederichs on NW 62nd St. It seemed like a huge store to us and we loved it. We lived on NW 56 St, just off 17th Avenue until 1955. This store also had a newstand under the porte cochiere near the front doors. My younger sister and I loved to go up on the mezzanine and watch our mother shop. There were still segregated water fountains and restrooms up on the mezzanine and, even though we were only 7 and 8 year old white girls, we would always run to drink from the "colored" fountain if someone came up to the mezzanine to see if they would say anything to us. There was a wonderful fabric/notions store across 62nd Street to the east a short distance. I think it had a sign consisting of a spool of thread with a needle slipped through the threads. Anyone remember this store?
LOVE these photos, Don!
Paul 03-May-2009 02:19
I worked there as a bagboy in the summer of 1960 after graduating from Southwest High. I was paid 60 cents an hour plus all the tips I could get, which seemed like a lot of money at the time. Several times a day I would have to ask one of the cashiers to convert the dimes and quarters bulging in my pockets into dollar bills. Once in a while I worked bagging chickens in the meat market or breaking down cardboard boxes in the back. This picture was probably taken from the Post Office just to the west of the store. The store was close to Ludlam but not on the corner.
Sid Allen 15-Mar-2009 15:06
This store was where I had my first job as a bagboy in 1961when I was just 14 years old. It was just west of the intersection of Bird and Ludlum (not directly on the corner) and this photo is from the westside parking lot. At that time, the store manager was Sid Einhorn.
Randy 12-Oct-2008 07:17
There was also a Frederichs in Carol City. My mom thought that was the best store. For some reason I remember that it was a grocery store but it had a larger selection of other items like beach toys, etc. than other goceries.
Don Boyd16-Jul-2008 23:31
Just to keep history accurate, it was spelled as Kwik Chek.

Dawn 16-Jul-2008 07:49
The corner of ludlum and bird had a shopping center with a Kwick Check and Super X drug store in it. Frederich's was just west of that towards the railroad tracks. I think the store was still open mid to late 60's. Back behind there was an abandoned rockpit on the west side of the RR tracks.
jmcdermott01-Feb-2008 14:20
I think this picture was taken from the parking lot of the post office next to the RR tracks looking east. I remember it being a Food Fair and shopping with my grandmother there. After the Food Fair closed it was made into office space.
TonyR 02-Nov-2007 22:53
Before the 163rd street shopping center was built, my parents used to grocery shop there. My dad used to take me and my sisters around so that my mom could shop in peace. I remember there used to be a newstand outside in the parking lot that sold comic books and small toys. Dad bought me a "Zorro" outfit there with a hat, a cape and plastic sword. I was the happiest kid in the world at that newstand.

I also remember I got lost there once. I somehow got separated from my dad. I was very scared and started to cry. Imagine a 5-year old boy all alone in the world. Two old ladies, whom I hope are now in Heaven with the Lord, stopped, noticed my despair, and took me to a policeman. Then we went upstairs to the customer service area and had my dad paged. What a relief to see him!
lmartin19-Oct-2007 18:06
I think we are looking east and the street in the foreground is 68th Ave and Bird Rd is to the left. Maybe they were next to each other, but this close would be very strange if the address is right. Perhaps this store was not torn down but re-occupied by Winn-Dixie by 1965. This has happened many times as stores come and go. The old ones are just recycled and renamed.
Ray 19-Oct-2007 01:38
Okay, image 83937944 seems to confirm Kwik Chek was there in 1960, the same year this was taken. So either this picture is totally wrong, or we're looking East. Wouldn't we see the sign in 83937944? Or is the Yams section of the sign blocking our view? Anyone know this store for sure?
Ray 19-Oct-2007 01:34
Now I'm starting to have some doubts about this location. I was born about the time this one was taken, so of course I don't remember it. But it I do clearly remember the Kwik Chek in image 85435943. That is Bird and Ludlam for sure. Is it possible that in 5 years the Frederichs was totally torn down and a Shell and Kwik Chek replaced it? This building looks too new in 1960 to be torn down so fast.

OR... maybe this was looking East, and the Kiwk Chek was further east down Bird Road? In that case, this would have been taken from the where the Post Office is today? Would two major (in their day) supermarkets be next door to each other? An A&P and Gran Union would have been less that 10 blocks east at Red and Bird.

The Shell, Qwik Chek, and Frederichs buildings are long gone, so today's layout is no help. The Red Bird area buildings are still pretty much there. Just many new names.

This is fun just trying to figure out where this history was. Wouldn't it be great if Google could do something like a mapping/street view program that also let you roll back in time? Pictures like this, with the right location, could make that totally possible.
Ray 20-Sep-2007 01:53
Behind this store, and slightly to the right, would have been the old WVCG AM 1080 towers. Voice of Coral Gables. The studios where on Alhambra Circle, just east of LeJune. I think in the late 1980s, early 1990s the transmit site moved way way out on Tamiami trail. While I lived near Red and Bird, every electronic circuit I played with ended up picking up WVCG. I think that land is now a condo complex.
Jeff 10-Sep-2007 01:51
Walter Frederich (who resided in Miami Shores) opened his first store on NW 62nd Street in Miami, expanding to Bird Road and Miami Gardens Drive. His small "chain" of stores was eventually acquired by Sam Friedland and the Food Fair operation...