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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > Looking west on Flagler Street in downtown Miami around 1954
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12-APR-2007 Courtesy of George W. Young

Looking west on Flagler Street in downtown Miami around 1954

Miami, Florida

George says that Duval Jewelers was a popular place to get wedding rings at the time.

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Larry B 14-Apr-2017 14:34
I would like to use this pic in a book I am writing about my mother's 1953-54 crime spree.
Please contact me.
Ray T 19-May-2015 16:50
The smaller building just east of the Dupont building, with the marquee above it, is 'the Florida' movie theater. It looks like two cab cars are stationed just outside.
Tom Dutton 29-Jan-2013 01:03
The Paramount had a long verticle sign over it's marquee, and is just out of the camera view, a few steps east. The distant theatre seen in the photo on the right across from Walgreen's was, I think, the "Florida". Or maybe the "Miami".
kinseeker26-Apr-2010 06:31
You are correct Bob, that is the Paramount Theater marquee we see in the picture. The Olympia entrance and marque was on NE 3 ave around the corner from where this picture is taken. On the left is Walgreens and the skyscraper on the right is the Dupont Building which housed the First National Bank on it's first couple of floors.
Bob Sara 29-Oct-2009 00:30
If this traffic is going east, the view is to the west, and looking west up Flagler Street, the Olympia Theater is on the left.
Barry Diamond 09-Jul-2009 02:20
Notice how the traffic is one-way going East, the oppsite of today. On the left past Duval's the rest of the block was the huge Walgreens featuring the basement dining counter that was a popular eating place for shoppers and office workers at lunchtime.

Farther East on the North side of Flagler Street (behind the camera right) was also the Town Theatre and Sloppy Joe's, famous for its special coconut milk.
Guest 02-Jul-2009 23:12
On the right hand side there appears to be the Olympua Theatre (movie house) marquee. Around 1957, Elvis Presley was touring the South and he appeared live on stage at the Olympia. I know, I was assigned to him as a "go-fer" ... (go-for sandwiches, go-for sodas). Hundreds of screaming teenage girls were lined up around the theatre and when he performed they almost pulled him off the stage. They tore the sleeve out of his jacket and he gave it to me as he exited the wings. I cut it up into 1" squares ands sold them the next day at school. I was 17 and he was the absolute gentleman during all our encounters. I invited him (and his cousin entourage) to come hgome for dinner, he accepted, but when I informed my mother, she refused. Parents were not very open and receptive to Rock and Roll "back in the day". It was a lovcely encounter. Dr D A Hanson
Burl Grey 27-May-2007 13:47
Forgot to add that I think duval is where I did buy a diamond engagement for Barbara. I have a picture of her naked down in the Keys. I paid something over $300.00
Burl Grey 27-May-2007 13:46
That gave me a shock... I had a fishtail Caddy at that time but mine was a white convertible...