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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area CARS, Car Clubs, Car Rental Agencies, Car Dealers, Drag Racing, Auto Shows, Speedways - click on image to view > 1959 - 1961 Road Rebels Auto Club membership roster, Miami
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1959-1961 Courtesy of George W. Young

1959 - 1961 Road Rebels Auto Club membership roster, Miami

Miami, Florida

They held their meetings in a room provided by the Coral Gables Police Department.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Don Boyd14-Feb-2017 09:40
Rocky, thank you for posting and for providing the names of other members that you remembered. I can't explain why the list doesn't have your name or the others but at least you have pointed out that the list is incomplete.

Rocky 13-Feb-2017 17:11
Hi Y'all, This is not a complete list because I was in from 1958 to 1969.
Other members I remember are, Steve Greene, Tony Weilbacher, Bobby Testa, and me, Rocky Meyerson.
I think I worked the starting line (First with the flags,than with the tree lights) about 4 hours a day....
Don Boyd04-Dec-2013 02:19
What time line are you looking at? The roster was dated 1959 and George Young's card is dated 1961, so the dates are correct. No one said anything about when the club was formed but thank you for providing that information.

Phil Perkns 03-Dec-2013 22:29
Re: Road Rebels - Your time line is off - the club was started in late 55 by the guys that lived on SW 5th st. between 42nd & 44th ave.

As a member several years, I still have my ID cards Including the South Florida Timing Association & Plaque.
bgh 30-Jul-2012 02:50
MUrray was the Ope-locka exchange .
As a teen in the fifties, I remember that we called FRanklin 9-8811 to get the time.
Guest 28-May-2011 16:14
The Cutler Ridge area was CEdar.
Barb 09-Mar-2010 16:04
Our first phone number was 4-2096. There was also a CA for Canal which was the southwest area...we lived at 72nd and 6th and we had Mohawk first and then it was changed to Canal.
Lee Martines 13-Jun-2008 22:12
In the Northwest section our prefix was PL8 for Plaza, and prior to that the prefix was 78, but in the 40's we only had a five digit number 8-8588.
Don Boyd16-Oct-2007 23:22
Thanks for remembering the OXford exchange because I had forgotten about it. Now I remember that WQAM added an OXford number for callers to call in on because callers from Hialeah on the TUxedo and 821-822-823 exchanges suffered a 5 or 10-second delay when calling WQAM's FRanklin numbers which put them at a disadvantage in trying to be the first caller, third caller, fifth caller, etc. in contests. Don
JD 16-Oct-2007 19:39
I remember in Hialeah Fl. in the early to mid 60's our phone number started off as OX1 which was 691 and the OX meant Oxford. I remember the party lines where an old lady use to yell at me every time I picked up the phone lol.
Don Boyd15-Oct-2007 06:20
Good point on the phone exchanges. TU was TUxedo and used in Hialeah and Miami Springs. There were TU7 and TU8 numbers (887 and 888) as I recall. MO was MOhawk. I can't remember NA - maybe NAtional? I don't see any JEfferson (53) numbers listed - they were used on Miami Beach and some fools thought it stood for JEwish since many folks of the Jewish faith lived on Miami Beach back then. I wish I had saved an old phone book from those days. Don
Louis 15-Oct-2007 05:24
Ok, lets see how many remember these phone extensions. Fr = Franklin, Ne = Newton, Hi = Highland, right? What were the Tu, Mo, and Na's? Our first phone was Ne 4-9985. The others I remember because my uncles lived in the Fr and Hi areas, which were in the SW and NW areas close to Flagler Street.