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2009 Scott B. Smith

The Orange Bowl - a great book for nostalgia fans

Miami, Florida

My friend and past photo customer Scott B. Smith recently published this great pictorial book on the Orange Bowl. His book can be ordered at:

Scott's description of his book: The Orange Bowl Stadium. Put to rest and carted away in 2008. It was an example of a bygone era in sports stadium architecture, when simple design provided a basic function. A place just for football born in the late 1930's. The book is not about football so much, but a visual memory for the scores of fans who may not have realized the last game attended would be their final time in the stadium. The first chapter revisits my family's photos from the 1939 game to the 1970's. Chapter Two begins with the condition of the stadium in January, 2008, and leads to the demolition period. Finally, a chapter of aerial images compiled through the years completes the story. I attempted to capture many of the seat locations and the view to the field. Individual fine art prints are available from any image in the book. The architectural survey was completed in January, 2008, and demolition finished in late spring.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Rob MacNeill 30-Sep-2020 21:02
My Grandfather, W. Bruce MacIntosh was a past President of the Orange Bowl Committee. My Dad, Malcolm G. MacNeill was also on the Orange Bowl Committee. Some of the games I went to over the years(1966-2008) were the Dolphins in 1966, Super Bowl II(Packers vs. Oakland and Vince Lombardi's last victory before retiring, 1984 Orange Bowl(Miami vs. Nebraska with Miami winning, one of the greatest college games of all time) and sadly the very last game which was Miami vs. Virginia. I used to love finding a parking space in somebody's yard and haggling with the guy on how much it was costing. The smell of things grilling as you're walking towards the stadium and the steel structure which sounded like thunder when everybody stomped their feet and cheered. So many memories of family & friends. Those were some great times in Miami(I'm a 6th generation Floridian originally from Coconut Grove...)
barbara 08-Feb-2016 19:27
Does anyone remember an orange bowl game halftime show where 12 doves flew out of Uncle Sam's hat on the field?