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David Gaar | all galleries >> Model Set Galleries >> Favorite Model Images > Diana008-800-256dpi.jpg
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Thomas26-Jul-2009 20:11
A beautiful woman covered in deep red velvet... That's all you need! ;-) Wonderful portrait!
Alain Boussac11-Dec-2008 21:33
An exceptional picture, beautiful as in a fairy's tale, with fabulous atmosphere, tones and light. VBV.
Guest 13-Nov-2008 09:17
Very nice!
Great light and posing, good technique.
Giancarlo Guzzardi31-Jul-2008 09:03
great image.
fabulouse tones and light
Guest 24-Jul-2008 00:02
good lighting ! I like what u did with color and tone in Post. V
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