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Par les Villages. (Tales from India - V.)

A l’automne 2014 nous avons effectué un long voyage au Rajasthan, une province située en Inde du Nord. C’est une région semi-désertique, traversée par une chaîne de moyennes montagnes, et sur laquelle les Maharajahs et les seigneurs locaux ont longtemps régné sans partage. Sans dédaigner les lieux très touristiques, nous avons privilégié le passage par les petits villages. C’était l’occasion d’approcher la vie des villageois et de rencontrer des visages qui, lorsque l’on vient d’occident, semblent surgir d’un autre monde.

L’Inde des grandes villes change rapidement, pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Une classe moyenne de plus en plus importante peut accéder désormais au confort occidental.
Mais si l’attrait de la modernité s’étend dans les campagnes, rares sont les villageois qui ont la possibilité ou les moyens de s’offrir les objets de ce confort.
Les contrastes s’accentuent. La vie d’un paysan qui cultive la terre aujourd’hui est peu différente de celle de ses grands-parents.

La plupart des portraits qui composent cette galerie sont ceux de gens humbles : paysans, petits artisans, petits commerçants dont la vie est parfois difficile... Et pourtant l’accueil est toujours très chaleureux et le sourire si spontané !

By the Villages.

During the autumn 2014 we made a long journey in Rajasthan, a province situated in North India. It is a semidesert region, crossed by low mountain ranges, and over which Maharajahs and local Lords reigned for a long time without sharing. Without disdaining the very touristic places, we favored the passage by the small villages. It was the opportunity to approach the life of the villagers and to meet faces which, when we come from west, seem to come from another world.

India of big cities quickly changes, for better and for worse. A more and more consequent middle class can reach now the western comfort.
But if the attraction of the modernity extends in countrysides, rare are the villagers who have the possibility or the means to offer themselves the objects of this comfort.
The contrasts become more marked. The life of a farmer who cultivates the soil today is little different from that of his grandparents.

Most of the portraits which constitue this gallery are the ones of humble people : peasants, modest craftsmen, small shopkeepers whose life is sometimes difficult ... And nevertheless the welcome is always very warm and the smile so spontaneous!
Le sourire dévoilé.
Le sourire dévoilé.
Rasé de près.
Rasé de près.
Through the Veil.
Through the Veil.
A Shepherd. Rohet.
A Shepherd. Rohet.
The Smiling Friends.
The Smiling Friends.
The Story in her Eyes.
The Story in her Eyes.
Intense Look.
Intense Look.
The Cold Wind of the Desert.
The Cold Wind of the Desert.
The Man with the Orange Turban.
The Man with the Orange Turban.
A Sheperd on the Road to Bundi.
A Sheperd on the Road to Bundi.
The Man with the Pink Turban.
The Man with the Pink Turban.
The Shop Keeper.
The Shop Keeper.
The Wise Man.
The Wise Man.
Fifteen. Narlaï.
Fifteen. Narlaï.
In a Temple. Jaisalmer.
In a Temple. Jaisalmer.
The Young Country Girl.
The Young Country Girl.
The Shepherd. Narlaï.
The Shepherd. Narlaï.
The Dubitative Bishnoï.
The Dubitative Bishnoï.
The Cobbler.
The Cobbler.
Jewels and Henna.
Jewels and Henna.
A Princess in the Desert.
A Princess in the Desert.
A Vendor at the Farmer's Market.
A Vendor at the Farmer's Market.
He Was Going to a Marriage...
He Was Going to a Marriage...
An Indian Smile.
An Indian Smile.
A Shepherd at the end of his working day.
A Shepherd at the end of his working day.
The Great Red Turban.
The Great Red Turban.
The Bishnoïs. Rohet.
The Bishnoïs. Rohet.
A Young Shepherdess.
A Young Shepherdess.
Waiting in the Winter Sun.
Waiting in the Winter Sun.
The Young Bride.
The Young Bride.
Blue Wall.
Blue Wall.
On the Road to Mount Abu.
On the Road to Mount Abu.
A photo is something serious...
A photo is something serious...
The Taylor and His Friend.
The Taylor and His Friend.
The Marks of a Hard Life.
The Marks of a Hard Life.
A Gipsy Dancer. Khimsar.
A Gipsy Dancer. Khimsar.
The Prominent Citizen.
The Prominent Citizen.
A Knick Knacks Seller.
A Knick Knacks Seller.
A Peasant. Narlaï.
A Peasant. Narlaï.
An Amused Look.
An Amused Look.
Holy Water.
Holy Water.
A Rebari. (Shepherd).
A Rebari. (Shepherd).
A Humble Man. Roopengarh.
A Humble Man. Roopengarh.
After The Shampoo...
After The Shampoo...
The Happy Bishnoï. Rohet.
The Happy Bishnoï. Rohet.
The Smile Unveiled.
The Smile Unveiled.