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virginiacoastline | all galleries >> PaD Archives >> PICTURE A DAY 2006 > 22 JUN 06 THINGS ARE LOOKING UP
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Well, THINGS aren't but I am
And this is what I saw in the mall
Shot in B&W and adjusted brightness and contrast & resized in PS

I've been viewing and enjoying the "Informal Global Weekly Challenge" that Bev and Lee initiated and thought I'd give it a go

Canon PowerShot S2 IS
1/1600s f/3.5 at 6.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 23-Jun-2006 21:41
Excellent image, great tonal range and composition, GMV!
Johnny JAG23-Jun-2006 19:41
Wonderful light and shade, great in B&W
Scott Browne23-Jun-2006 15:23
Welcome to the challenge! Nice shot! Makes a good abstract. Very good in b&w.
Guest 23-Jun-2006 15:17
Nice! I like the patterns,lighting,and shadows,Pete.
J. Scott Coile23-Jun-2006 14:24
I like this one a lot! Sweet light and geometry. Just enough compositional twist to set it off.
Karen Stuebing23-Jun-2006 09:42
Neat angle and love all the rectangles and squares. Nice in b/w. A fine entry for the challenge.
Lee Rudd23-Jun-2006 06:34
a roof puzzle! lovely light
royalld23-Jun-2006 00:57
Grand shot.
It would be interesting to talk to that architect.
Beverly Wickersham23-Jun-2006 00:51
Looks like an exploded Rubik's cube. Nice job with the contrasts.
Guest 23-Jun-2006 00:08
Very nice image :O)
Robin Reid22-Jun-2006 23:30
Great eye.. I like the patterns.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography22-Jun-2006 23:13
Good capture.
laine8222-Jun-2006 23:06
Looking up & run slap bang into a security guard & a security camera pretending to be a light fixture now has you on their file...big brother is gonna watch you whenever you shop now :>) Welome aboard !! I have linked you to mine.
Ray :)22-Jun-2006 22:58
Really cool in black and white.
Peter Eklöf22-Jun-2006 22:52
Guest 22-Jun-2006 22:49
Great lighting cool shot
Faye White22-Jun-2006 22:38
very cool pete!! love the patterns up there!
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