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23 JUN 06

It's that time of year when I have tons of flowers to fall back on

I liked the way the sun thru the trees made this lily glow

Canon PowerShot S2 IS
1/800s f/4.5 at 6.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Sergio Pessolano16-Jul-2006 08:52
Superb composition and lighting. Clever full frame filling. Voted.
Mindy McNaugher25-Jun-2006 16:14
Stunning macro and exquisite light! Vote!
Linda Willets25-Jun-2006 00:47
excellent macro
tomandlinda24-Jun-2006 23:54
very nice, love the light
Nicki Thurgar24-Jun-2006 21:56
Beautiful, great detail, amazing flower!
Zak24-Jun-2006 19:24
lovely shot!
Subrata Basu24-Jun-2006 15:38
Perfect composition, very effective DOF, exciting lines, very nice exposure... One to hang on the wall.
Guest 24-Jun-2006 13:32
Great light and just perfect comp.
Karen Stuebing24-Jun-2006 09:04
Super macro. I love the purple pattern on this lily and the light is fantastic.
tomsview24-Jun-2006 08:23
Nice close up!
Graham Tomlin24-Jun-2006 08:13
nice regards Helen
Wei O'Connell24-Jun-2006 05:42
Excellent shot. Beautiful color and detail. voted.
Coleen Perilloux Landry24-Jun-2006 04:57
Excellent. Tons of flowers, huh---how lucky can you be.
laine8224-Jun-2006 04:23
I just love that lily, the colours are superb. Lovely macro ~gmv
Robin Reid24-Jun-2006 03:44
Great choice Pete. Nice work.
Jen Bixler24-Jun-2006 03:19
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