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Rob Rosetti | all galleries >> Galleries >> Brainstorming > Kindergarten
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03-FEB-2007 Roberto Rosetti


Canon PowerShot A620
1/1000s f/2.8 at 7.3mm iso50 full exif

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alexeig28-Feb-2009 17:57
Your colors always amase me ...
Guest 07-Jan-2008 21:16
I love it!! Fantastic colors.
Guest 06-Jan-2008 08:44
fantastica!! la mia favorita-v-
Anna Pagnacco06-Oct-2007 23:52
Great chromatism and light!!Anna
monica memoli25-Jun-2007 09:34
Love the sky with the red and yellow. v
Yiannis Pavlis01-Jun-2007 11:55
This is just a stunning composition with sharp details, excellent lighting and nice colors. V.
QUERIDO29-Apr-2007 05:59
Beautiful shot,vote
Guest 17-Mar-2007 21:24
stunning shot!!!! the color is so vivid in the beautifl sunlight, and nice composition too! GMV
pingupingu22-Feb-2007 18:23
des couleurs primaires qui petent et une composition quasi symétrique
bien vu
mais un jardin d'enfant avec des chaines comme ça ???
brrrr !
Mattias Backström21-Feb-2007 22:58
Wow, great splashes of color here. I'd be happy if I had a playground like this as a kid.
Guest 14-Feb-2007 11:38
Greatly seen.. I like a lot the composition.. as well as the colours (can't figure if the blue is the sky or part of the 'garten'.. Whatever, it looks great!;)
Roe..13-Feb-2007 01:56
cool pov and great pop colors..
AL11-Feb-2007 04:33
Stunning colors and I like your perspective to give us the lines and the curves. As if it's asking us to let our inner child out and play!
Guest 10-Feb-2007 14:09
I can see why little kids like primary colors. I like them, too, and looking at them through the chains adds a bit of an edge.
Sergio Pessolano10-Feb-2007 12:56
Great mood. Voted.
Anna Pagnacco10-Feb-2007 02:49
Coloratissima,mette allegria solo a guardarla....ottima luce e dettagli! Anna
Fong Lam10-Feb-2007 00:48
Eye-popping colors, Roberto. The cbildren will definitely love this! Vote
Gilles Navet10-Feb-2007 00:40
explosif de couleurs !!!!
Christine P. Newman09-Feb-2007 22:54
You make us feel like going back to those years and have that sort of fun!!!
Barbara Heide09-Feb-2007 21:50
excellent composition and colours!!! v
René09-Feb-2007 21:29
très jolie...
olivier bruning09-Feb-2007 20:48
wonderful primary colours, an attraction to every child...
ac09-Feb-2007 20:31
Joyful colors for the children. Beautiful symmetry.