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Barbara Heide | all galleries >> MAIN GALLERY >> Fruit and Veggies (emotional) > February # 3 : What's for afters?
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03-FEB-2012 Barbara Heide

February # 3 : What's for afters?

Lensbaby Orange

part of my Gallery: PAD 2012

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February # 3 : What's for afters?
February # 3 : What's for afters?

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jola Dziubinska05-Feb-2012 23:22
Cool closeup and lighting.
Sheila05-Feb-2012 07:19
Lovely orange abstract.
Mieke WA Minkjan05-Feb-2012 06:28
a mandarin I guess,
like the misty atmosphere
PauloCGama04-Feb-2012 17:56
yes, nicely done!
fotabug04-Feb-2012 14:21
I can taste the delicious juice!
Chris04-Feb-2012 07:40
Juicy fruit, I'm pleased you said what it was, I'd never have guessed.
borisalex04-Feb-2012 06:24
Magnified magnificience!
Timothy Guenther04-Feb-2012 04:39
interesting effect
LynnH04-Feb-2012 03:53
I feel like I have fallen inside of this orange! Cool.
wernere0103-Feb-2012 20:37
Makes me hungry. I like orange.
Janice Dunn03-Feb-2012 20:16
Quite stunning - love the colour too
Guest 03-Feb-2012 19:51
Great patterns.
Guest 03-Feb-2012 17:33
Oh!!! Beautiful Barbara, I'm sure it tasted wonderfully!
Knox O03-Feb-2012 17:22
Looks good and colourful too!
J. Scott Coile03-Feb-2012 15:49
Cool citrus patterns.
rousselziak03-Feb-2012 15:05
Excellent ! -V-
Guest 03-Feb-2012 14:07
Lovely. Well done.
laine03-Feb-2012 09:40
cool effect with the L/B, Barbara
beverley harrison03-Feb-2012 09:34
ooooo liking that!
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