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22-MAR-2011 Walter O. Koenig

Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
10s f/11.0 at 23.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Neil Marcus19-Feb-2013 04:03
The beauty, drama, and composition makes for an arresting image.
Daniele Zappavigna20-May-2012 20:10
Great shot, reminds me De Chirico work
Buba Jafarli12-Oct-2011 14:45
Great tones and light - the timing for making this shot was excellent! V.
SLC_Images12-Oct-2011 04:10
Really interesting composition- great lighting, shadows and shapes!
Yiannis Pavlis18-Sep-2011 13:15
A wonderful color range, plenty of depth and a delightful light are presented beautifully .V
McGarva17-Sep-2011 19:38
Futuristic ... Superb work! :)
CM Kwan13-Sep-2011 13:16
Amazing composition and light, Walter! V
CM Kwan13-Sep-2011 13:16
Amazing composition and light, Walter! V
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte13-Sep-2011 13:06
Absolute breathtaking!

Guest 13-Sep-2011 11:53
you waited for thr perfect time to capture this beautifull scene
Raphael_E13-Sep-2011 10:03
Absolutely superb and surreal !! BV.
Wenche Aune13-Sep-2011 06:59
Wonderful light and perspective. V
Guest 13-Sep-2011 02:53
Wonderful. V.
globalgadabout13-Sep-2011 01:44
a deserted city of the heart...and an acutely aware and tremendously sensitive work Walter...V
Cindi Smith13-Sep-2011 01:32
Whoa....glad you finally posted this. Totally rocks! V
LynnH13-Sep-2011 01:02
Fantastic and almost surreal. V
Marcia Rules13-Sep-2011 00:14
that is a stunner Walter! Frameable for sure! BV!
norbi12-Sep-2011 21:40
Great and futuristic looking scenery. Excellent composition, Walter. v. norbi
Mairéad12-Sep-2011 21:23
Amazing shot, out of this world. V
René Gysi12-Sep-2011 21:00
Superb image Walter. Acts as a launch pad for alien spaceships. Great lighting. V+
Frank Brault12-Sep-2011 21:00
A terrific composition with beautiful light and colors and a wonderful sense of depth. V
Mike Stobbs12-Sep-2011 20:58
Fantastic use of light and lines...braVo..Mike
Patricia Kay12-Sep-2011 20:18
Love this picture perfect image Walter...BV
fdt12-Sep-2011 20:00
Great composition. f
Colin Storey12-Sep-2011 19:27
Stunning sunset scene from this special viewpoint. v
Julie Munday 12-Sep-2011 19:16
Don't know anything about photography, but I know what I like and I love this! Looks almost like a mirror image and a road to nowhere or to anywhere. I choose the road to anywhere.
Tom LeRoy12-Sep-2011 18:59
All the elements of a great photo; love the lines and ultra crystal clear view. V
Carl and Racine Erland12-Sep-2011 18:28
Awesome...this moves me. - Racine V
FrankB12-Sep-2011 17:45
this is so great!...the bleakness of has the aura of a computer game environment....V
John Reynolds LRPS12-Sep-2011 17:28
Wonderful light. Intriguing subject - like a scene from a science fiction film!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther12-Sep-2011 16:50
Amazing shot! Fantastic light and compo! BV
John 12-Sep-2011 16:20
Wonderful composition, color, and light...V
Lee G12-Sep-2011 16:01
Great composition and lighting, Walter!
Greg Harp12-Sep-2011 16:00
Gorgeous, great composition.
Peter Stubley12-Sep-2011 15:59
Beautiful shot -- great sense of light and composition makes a great image out of a mundane subject. Nicely seen indeed!
Ken Chambers ARPS12-Sep-2011 15:55
Really nice exposure Walter
Jim Coffman12-Sep-2011 15:44
This is fantastic,Walter!! V
PauloCGama12-Sep-2011 15:43
Looks like a SciFi scene. Excellent light and details!!
Wonderfully composed, Walter.
Gerard Koehl12-Sep-2011 15:32
Cette composition et cette luminosité sont magnifiques. V
teachpeace12-Sep-2011 15:15
Dan Greenberg12-Sep-2011 15:13
This is very cool and somewhat otherworldly. Great shadow and light contrasts. ~BV~
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