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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Cats >> Diego > Diego sports the Francis Bacon Look
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05-DEC-2008 Walter O. Koenig

Diego sports the Francis Bacon Look

This photo was posted once before in my PaD Gallery and is being re-posted due to great demand. LOL.

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larose forest photos04-Sep-2010 02:07
Super!!!! Go, Diego!
pkocinski22-Dec-2009 00:36
Oh my!
Mairéad21-Dec-2009 19:55
LOL :)
carabias21-Dec-2009 19:13
Excelente captura de 'Colmillos Diego' ... -V-
Gerard Koehl21-Dec-2009 18:59
Excellent... V
Stephanie21-Dec-2009 18:53
I think that your cat could give my lovebird a run for his money! Diego looks fierce!
Patricia Kay21-Dec-2009 18:47
LOL...amazing shot Walter....BV
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