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James Mason | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sarajevo, 1992 and 1993 > Distribution of bread
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winter, 93 James Mason

Distribution of bread


This girl had just received her family's bread ration. I had hooked up with a kid about 11 and he was guiding me around the city, showing me where it was safe to walk. The girl was a friend of his from school and was glad to see him. It's amazing how fast the kids in Sarajevo adapted to the war.

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James Mason 18-Nov-2022 00:33
I have not but I do get emails from people I photographed. I just learned the identity of this girl. She is now 40 and lives in Sarajevo. - James
Chip Korngiebel 28-Dec-2012 19:17
Have you gone back to Sarajevo to see who is still alive?