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Yvonne | all galleries >> R O S E S >> ~ Spring in Australia 2007 - 2 ~ > Dame Elisabeth Murdoch
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19-NOV-2007 Yvonne

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch

Another angle of the lady

other sizes: small medium original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)27-May-2011 12:40
Stunning! V+++
Jackdad01-Dec-2007 21:15
super nova colours!
Máire Uí Mhaicín21-Nov-2007 22:14
You have done it again Yvonne. Another great rose!-v-
Milos Markovic21-Nov-2007 17:24
laine8221-Nov-2007 10:39
A beautiful rose named after a fine lady.
Zak21-Nov-2007 10:37
great colours indeed!
marie-jose wolff21-Nov-2007 09:53
gorgeous colors! V
Gayle P. Clement21-Nov-2007 05:59
I love the way the rose seems to glow from within. Beautiful. V
Gerard Koehl21-Nov-2007 05:48
La lumière donne toute son ampleur à cette belle rose. V
missy_gardenwhimsy21-Nov-2007 01:54
Gorgeous photo of your wonderful rose!
Kathy Thompson21-Nov-2007 00:09
Beautiful capture of a lovely rose Yvonne. I am currently reading the book about Dame Elisabeth's garden and life "Garden of a Lifetime". It's a lovely book with some great photography and very interesting reading.
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