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Yvonne | all galleries >> The occasional pad >> SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE. S is for...?? > "Swinging Bridge"
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13-AUG-2017 Yvonne

"Swinging Bridge"

Mossman Gorge, FNQ Australia

I wasn't the most brave soul to cross this bridge, it rocked to and fro when others
were also on the bridge, as a little boy discovered and took the opportunity
to jump-jump-jump. You can just see our son-in-law standing there waiting for
me to get a reasonable photo of the bridge.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
LynnH10-Sep-2017 23:46
I'm not afraid of heights but I would find the swinging unsettling. V
Range View 07-Sep-2017 23:28
I think everyone is a little anxious on a swinging bridge! V
Gill Kopy07-Sep-2017 02:41
A great place for a walk ! Nicely captured V
larose forest photos06-Sep-2017 21:31
What a lovely shot! Swinging bridges are always a little precarious! V
Martin Lamoon06-Sep-2017 19:40
A fine capture, the bridge looks a little unsafe!
laine06-Sep-2017 18:52
Of course there would be a sign that says no jumping on the bridge....!!

I'm not keen on suspension bridges either Von, though I did cross the one at Low Force Durham with JJ, Phillip & Chris very bravely :)
joseantonio06-Sep-2017 16:26
very nice framing for the view behind.V.
Tom LeRoy06-Sep-2017 15:00
Nice shot and excellent POV. Your son in law's red scarf adds a vibrant touch. V
Walter Otto Koenig06-Sep-2017 14:49
Very nice perspective. I like all the greenery. We have a pedestrian suspension bridge like this here in town. "V"
borisalex06-Sep-2017 12:32
Looking at it is best! V
barbarajoy06-Sep-2017 11:55
Lovely composition in a most delightful area. V
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