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Matthew Haswell | profile | all galleries >> Japan 日本 >> Kyūshū 九州 >> Nagasaki 長崎 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Kitakyūshū 北九州 | Fukuoka (Hakata) 福岡 (博多) | Dazaifu 大宰府 | Karatsu 唐津 | Saga and Yoshinogari 佐賀と吉野ヶ里 | Hirado 平戸 | Huis ten Bosch ハウステンボス | Nagasaki 長崎 | Kumamoto 熊本 | Aso-san 阿蘇山 | Beppu 別府

Nagasaki 長崎

Historic, cosmopolitan port city in western Kyushu, and site of the world's second atomic bombing
Nagasaki station
Nagasaki station
Nagasaki Peace Park
Nagasaki Peace Park
Kitamura Seibō's Peace Statue
Kitamura Seibō's Peace Statue
Urakami Cathedral
Urakami Cathedral
Remnants of the former cathedral
Remnants of the former cathedral
One-legged torii of Sannō-jinja
One-legged torii of Sannō-jinja
School children at the hypocenter
School children at the hypocenter
Atomic bombing scorched lanterns
Atomic bombing scorched lanterns
Nakashima-gawa area
Nakashima-gawa area
Courtyard of the temple
Courtyard of the temple
Weathered temple wall
Weathered temple wall
Beside the bridge
Beside the bridge
Tsukimachi ornamental gate
Tsukimachi ornamental gate
Dojin-dō in the Chinese Quarter
Dojin-dō in the Chinese Quarter
Hollander Slope
Hollander Slope
Old foreigners' houses
Old foreigners' houses
Former British Consulate of Nagasaki
Former British Consulate of Nagasaki
Former Mitsubishi No. 2 Dock House
Former Mitsubishi No. 2 Dock House
View over Nagasaki
View over Nagasaki
Former Ringer House in Glover Garden
Former Ringer House in Glover Garden
Former Glover House
Former Glover House
Reconstructed buildings of Dejima
Reconstructed buildings of Dejima
Central street in Dejima
Central street in Dejima
Model of the original settlement
Model of the original settlement
Dusk over Dejima
Dusk over Dejima