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William Sokolenko (1934-2012) | all galleries >> Galleries >> MARS on EARTH > The saksaul trees (haloxylon)
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13-OCT-2006 William Sokolenko

The saksaul trees (haloxylon)

Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan

Saksaul trees are one of only a few tree species able to survive
in the sandy desert’s soils. They are an important "keystone" species, providing
shade and shelter to wildlife and grasses while also preventing erosion
by stabilizing the sand with their root systems.

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Guest 27-Jun-2007 17:42
Amazing shots from your beautiful country!! I never would have realised how amazing this place was until now!
Marco Valk17-Oct-2006 17:03
great shot
Guest 17-Oct-2006 14:17
Beautiful scenery !!!