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Picture Made 12/05/08

Canon EOS 350D
1/20s f/8.0 at 55.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)04-Jun-2013 03:09
Excellent shot,voted!
Graeme01-Feb-2013 11:26
Amazing details of the moon, Randy! BV
Chad Ramsey02-Jan-2009 03:20
Very cool! V
Fong Lam20-Dec-2008 18:02
Wow, that's close!! Well done!! V
Jim Coffman19-Dec-2008 02:19
This is great!
January Grey07-Dec-2008 20:55
Great shot,Randy! V~
Simon Chandler07-Dec-2008 01:17
Great shot. Impessive. v
Ali Majdfar06-Dec-2008 19:10
Stunning capture, ~V
Guest 06-Dec-2008 16:46
Nice detail and perfect exposure. VWD
Carol Rollins06-Dec-2008 16:38
Randy, this is just Great! CB
Katie Chew06-Dec-2008 16:21
Nice work!
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