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On White Top Mountain VA.

Konica-Minolta Maxxum 5D
1/200s f/11.0 at 20.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Chuck Pavlick03-Feb-2021 21:05
Excellent shot
victorswan21-Mar-2016 08:50
Wow this is a perfect image I like this one great lighting lovely colors BV++
Mike Crowle11-May-2014 22:10
A beautiful image, with that fresh snow and moody, grey sky!
Guest 14-Oct-2010 14:57
This is gorgeous! Fabulous composition and lighting. gmv
Guest 25-Aug-2010 16:37
Very Artistic!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)01-Aug-2010 19:57
Fantastic capture, just perfect. v
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal25-Feb-2010 14:33
Beautiful shot and composition!!
David Jolley19-Feb-2010 19:59
Great photo
Heidi and Ulrich Burkhalter08-Feb-2010 04:08
Amazing !!!
Lawrence Solum08-Feb-2010 02:35
Powerful composition! Thank you!
Jean Chiasson28-Jan-2010 22:05
Very graceful tree and a beautiful comp big vote
william mahan06-Dec-2009 05:07

Dramatic and just beautiful! Fine job!!!
Ashley Hockenberry06-Dec-2009 02:35
Superb capture !!!!!!!!
Liz Bickel17-Sep-2009 01:22
Gorgeous, gorgeous shot!
Simon Chandler16-Sep-2009 18:50
A work of art. Just wonderful. v
Marisa Livet07-Sep-2009 17:05
I think it’s the same tree you took in another more recent photo. I like its elegant shape and the winter atmosphere; both photos are evocative and graceful.
Guest 22-Jul-2009 19:43
Wonderful shot and placement, way to go.
Randy Adams18-Jul-2009 03:41
Fantastic work Randy! V
Chad Ramsey15-Jul-2009 04:59
Still one of my all time favorites of yours Randy!!!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography12-Jul-2009 00:35
Excellent and beautiful image, Voted.
David Jolley17-Jun-2009 15:20
Very nice.
laine09-Apr-2009 22:30
Gosh that it beautiful Randy. V
tinkerb24-Mar-2009 22:02
Happily trawling through your pictures - for today this is my favourite I am sure I'll find more tomorrow - but this is absolutely stunning
john savage22-Mar-2009 21:19
awesome capture!
Guest 08-Mar-2009 12:55
Just spectacular! Very well composed. V.
poetry66616-Feb-2009 18:21
Another outstanding shot. Your work just gets better and better Randy.BV!!!!
Guest 21-Jan-2009 10:53
This is fantastic. V
Katabatic10-Jan-2009 19:37
One of my favorite composition, great capture ! V
Marisa Livet06-Jan-2009 15:58
This is definitely a splendid and appealing picture, which stands out by itself, it’s really a winner!
Yiannis Pavlis27-Dec-2008 20:55
Fascinating and impressive indeed! V
Marco Valk20-Dec-2008 18:11
excellent; superb compo; gmv
Milan Vogrin14-Dec-2008 19:54
Superb photo!V!
Jim Coffman06-Dec-2008 01:55
This is truly beautiful! V
Gayle P. Clement17-Nov-2008 02:26
Awesome! I really love this. V
This looks like a great subject for black and white but I wouldn't want to give up that grey blue.
Meggi Raeder16-Nov-2008 04:59
Brrrr - cold but absolutely beautiful,
Char15-Nov-2008 21:50
Hi Randy,
This is an absolutely fabulous capture! Amazing!! \/
dinah saluz15-Nov-2008 09:41
Splendid capture, just perfect ! V
Raymond Ma14-Nov-2008 02:04
This is a great image. The delicate dusting on the dark branches and the
mood of the lone tree is very striking. V
blizzard12-Nov-2008 02:50
vote vote I would vote for this many times
brilliant camera work v
Fong Lam12-Nov-2008 01:12
Whoa, this is absolutely beautiful!! Well done on this capture...V
Chad Ramsey12-Nov-2008 00:58
What a beautiful shot~V
January Grey11-Nov-2008 05:49
Very graceful tree, and a beautiful shot, Randy. V~
Guest 11-Nov-2008 04:38
Great capture once again of natural beauty!
Barb10-Nov-2008 20:46
Excellent. V
Guest 08-Nov-2008 16:19
Top notch.
Marcia Rules08-Nov-2008 14:54
A+ .......just fantastic~V~
Guest 08-Nov-2008 03:48
Where has this image been? Frigid and beautiful. GREAT shot! V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)08-Nov-2008 02:30
Outstanding image, simple but beautiful composition....
Marcia Colelli08-Nov-2008 02:30
Wow!!! beautiful capture, love it V
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