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Peregrine Falcon

Bay Farm Island, Alameda, CA

In the golden light of a late autumn afternoon.
This bird is banded (A-62). Here is an enlargement of the
band on its leg:

Followup: This is a first year female from a nest on a ledge of the
Washington Mutual Tower in Seattle, Washington, 800 miles from here.
An amazing network of birders sprung forward to track it down.

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/320s f/7.1 at 550.0mm iso640, tc 1.4 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Arlyn 18-Nov-2011 18:16
Is that a stuffed full crop or just wind blowing the feathers?
Herb 18-Nov-2011 02:19
Very nice
Guest 17-Nov-2011 21:47
Beautiful light and composition and of course,lovely bird
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