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Corinth School
Corinth School
Verbena Elementary 1916 or 1917
Verbena Elementary 1916 or 1917
Anna Thierkeldsen  Mitchell - 1922
Anna Thierkeldsen Mitchell - 1922
People of Verbena 1895
People of Verbena 1895
Alcazar Trip
Alcazar Trip
Sheppard/Gibson/Williamson 1921
Sheppard/Gibson/Williamson 1921
Joseph A. Sheppard at Mitchell Dam
Joseph A. Sheppard at Mitchell Dam
John Milford Moore
John Milford Moore
Hillcrest Group
Hillcrest Group
Group On Old Iron Bridge
Group On Old Iron Bridge
Joseph Sheppard & Natalie Williamson
Joseph Sheppard & Natalie Williamson
Louise Sheppard & Natalie Williamson
Louise Sheppard & Natalie Williamson
Joseph Mitchell Oliver
Joseph Mitchell Oliver
Front Steps of Mitchell Home
Front Steps of Mitchell Home
Northington Home
Northington Home
Phillips Fitzpatrick Mitchell  - 1935
Phillips Fitzpatrick Mitchell - 1935
Thomas Meriwether Mitchell
Thomas Meriwether Mitchell
Emelia Bellet Mitchell
Emelia Bellet Mitchell
Early 1900's Friend
Early 1900's Friend
Mitchell Children
Mitchell Children
Jewell Calloway
Jewell Calloway
E.T. Wiliams, Gladys DeRamus, O.E. Howard
E.T. Wiliams, Gladys DeRamus, O.E. Howard
Jewell Calloway, N.J. Robinson, Gladys DeRamus_web.jpg
Jewell Calloway, N.J. Robinson, Gladys DeRamus_web.jpg
Phil Mitchell
Phil Mitchell
Virginia Cathey
Virginia Cathey
Professor Acher Class
Professor Acher Class
Professor Acrees Group
Professor Acrees Group
Sidney Gibson Inside Oakside
Sidney Gibson Inside Oakside
Sidney Gibson at Oakside
Sidney Gibson at Oakside