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Gary Hebert | all galleries >> Beauty of Alberta >> Calgary >> Calgary Cityscape Panorama's > Calgary .... panoramic view at dusk ....
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© 2004 © Gary Hebert

Calgary .... panoramic view at dusk ....

Calgary, Alberta

This is 5 images stitched together.

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Selvin Chance08-Oct-2013 13:58
By today's standards these cameras aren't even as powerful as the cameras in smartphones, BUT in the hands of a skilled craftsman they take wonderful photos.
Great pano.
John Barreiro31-Mar-2013 00:40
I've just been through the gallery, and this is my favorite image. V
Jan Søgaard14-Sep-2008 09:56
Great picture, with a overlook camera.
Evaristo Buendia Carrera11-Aug-2005 04:48
Excellent work; the C8080WZ is in good hands and deep eyes.