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Commander Islands

A glimpse of Russia's remote and starkly beautiful Commander (Komandor or Komandorsky) Islands, at the westernmost end of the Aleutian island chain. In 1741 the great navigator Vitus Bering was shipwrecked here on his return from Alaska.

These images were taken with Nikon D200 (10 mpx) using RAW format, and are available for licensing.

Nikol'skoye village
Nikol'skoye village
Nikolskoye household
Nikolskoye household
Lenin monument in Nikol'skoye
Lenin monument in Nikol'skoye
Diorama of Aleutian way of life (in the museum in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky)
Diorama of Aleutian way of life (in the museum in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky)
Skeleton of the extinct Steller's sea cow in the Nikol'skoye museum
Skeleton of the extinct Steller's sea cow in the Nikol'skoye museum
Aleut woman, one of less than ten surviving native speakers
Aleut woman, one of less than ten surviving native speakers
Monati Cape, Bering Island
Monati Cape, Bering Island
Puffins nesting, Cape Monati
Puffins nesting, Cape Monati
Red-legged Kittiwakes
Red-legged Kittiwakes
Guillemot nest, Cape Monati, Bering Island
Guillemot nest, Cape Monati, Bering Island
Cliffs at Commander Bay, Bering Island
Cliffs at Commander Bay, Bering Island
Fulmar near Commander Bay
Fulmar near Commander Bay
Kelp on the beach at Commander Bay
Kelp on the beach at Commander Bay
Graves of Bering's crew
Graves of Bering's crew
Bering's original grave, since exhumed
Bering's original grave, since exhumed
Bering's present grave at Commander Bay
Bering's present grave at Commander Bay