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Topics >> by Emily Neel >> Lucy Jane Neel

Lucy Jane Neel Photos
Topic maintained by Emily Neel (see all topics)

Lucy Jane Neel
arrived December 27, 2006 at 4:05am
8 pounds 2 ounces
20.75 inches

Click here for photos of Carden

Lucy's Second Birthday
Lucy's Second Birthday
by Bonnie Neel
December 08
December 08
by Jo
Carden and Lucy
Carden and Lucy
by Jo
Lucy - 19 Months
Lucy - 19 Months
by Bonnie Neel
Lucy - 17 and 1/2 months
Lucy - 17 and 1/2 months
by Bonnie Neel
Lucy at 15  1/2 months
Lucy at 15 1/2 months
by Bonnie Neel
Lucy Spring '08
Lucy Spring '08
by Jo
Lucy Jane
Lucy Jane
by Emily Neel
Lucy Godiva
Lucy Godiva
by Emily Neel
Lucy's # 1
Lucy's # 1
by Jo
Lucy and T-WALLŪ at Whitestick Creek in Beckley, WV
Lucy and T-WALLŪ at Whitestick Creek in Beckley, WV
by Slug
Lucy 10 Months
Lucy 10 Months
by Jo
Lucy 9 Months
Lucy 9 Months
by Jo
Lucy 8 Months
Lucy 8 Months
by Jo
Lucy goes to NYC
Lucy goes to NYC
by Emily Neel
Lucy 7 Months
Lucy 7 Months
by Jo
Lucy Jane
Lucy Jane
by Slug
Lucy 6 Months
Lucy 6 Months
by Jo
Lucy 5 Months
Lucy 5 Months
by Jo
Lucy - Almost Five Months
Lucy - Almost Five Months
by Bonnie Neel
P is for Pregnant
P is for Pregnant
by Emily Neel
Lucy Jane Neel
Lucy Jane Neel
by Bonnie Neel
by Jeff
by Jo