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Ian Dalgliesh | all galleries >> Galleries >> Roman remains in Britain > Statue of Roman Emperor Constantine
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06-AUG-2006 Ian Dalgliesh

Statue of Roman Emperor Constantine

York, England

Constantine was made Emperor of Rome,whilst visiting Eboracum(York),in AD306.

14/3/2007:This image has become my first with 500 hits.Thanks to all who've visited it.
24/01/2008:My first image to get an amazing 2,000 hits.A BIG thankyou to all who've visited this image,though I will admit to being stupified as to why.
17/4/2008:3,000th.hit.Thanks to all who've viewed this image.
9/9/2008:5,000th hit.Thanks doesn't seem good enough.But,there's always a but,thankyou to all visitors.
20/12/2008:9,000th hit.Thankyou,thankyou,thankyou but I still don't see why.
10/01/2011:15,000 hits.Thanks to all who've stopped to look.But,I remain baffled.
10/12/2011:20,000 hits.Incredible.I can't believe it.
16/4/2011: 16,000 hits.Thankyou to everyone who has looked.But,it's only a statue.

Olympus E-500
1/250s f/4.5 at 29.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 08-Nov-2008 08:56
am looking for authentic Constantine pix for a play. I imagine this statue was made quite a while after Constantine's time, but it's still a helpful look--thanks!
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