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Ian Dalgliesh | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Roman remains in Britain tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Roman remains in Britain

This retitled gallery,shall in future,encompass all extant Roman remains,that I encounter on my travels in the UK.Whilst accepting,that for the foreseeable future,this will still be predominately be a Hadrian's Wall gallery,over time that will change to a general Roman gallery.
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Birrens Roman Fort,NW corner ramparts
Birrens Roman Fort,NW corner ramparts
Birrens Roman Fort,looking south across the northern defences.
Birrens Roman Fort,looking south across the northern defences.
Birrens Roman Fort,NE section of site.
Birrens Roman Fort,NE section of site.
Birrens Roman Fort,the north gateway and road,looking south
Birrens Roman Fort,the north gateway and road,looking south
Pike Hill turret,remains of,neath a stormy sky
Pike Hill turret,remains of,neath a stormy sky
Pike Hill turret : Information board
Pike Hill turret : Information board
Hadrian's Wall,in the wilds of Cumbria
Hadrian's Wall,in the wilds of Cumbria
Hadrian's Wall signpost at Steel Rigg carpark
Hadrian's Wall signpost at Steel Rigg carpark
Winshield Crag,the summit,looking West.
Winshield Crag,the summit,looking West.
Hadrian's Wall on Winshield Crags.
Hadrian's Wall on Winshield Crags.
Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall
Statue  of  Roman  Emperor  Constantine
Statue of Roman Emperor Constantine
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