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strongmanmike2002 | all galleries >> Awards, discoveries and publications >> Discoveries and Scientific Papers >> I discovered a galaxy!..what have you done? > NGC 253-dw2 Deep Discovery Image
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NGC 253-dw2 Deep Discovery Image

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Well, it isn’t every day that you discover something in astronomy, let alone a galaxy!

As part of a professional team lead by Aaron J. Romanowsky and David Martinez-Delgardo, this is my first involvement in a scientific discovery
and my first scientific paper too. The paper was accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society on Monday 21 Dec 2015.

The galaxy, in this case a Dwarf Spheroidal, was first discovered in a deep image I did of NGC 253 using my Orion Optics UK AG12 a 12" F3.8 corrected Newtonian.
This was then subsequently followed up by deep exposures by the CHART 32 team with their 32" F7 corrected Cassegrain telescope at Cerro Tololo and then finally
the Suprime-Cam on the 8m Subaru telescope was used, in sub arc sec seeing, to resolve stars and confirm the discovery and galaxy classification.

So to discover something so faint and so close to such a well researched galaxy like NGC 253 is extra special and the new galaxy is called NGC 253-dw2

The last line of the abstract is very encouraging too: "We also note the continued efficacy of small telescopes for making big discoveries"

If you are interested you can read the abstract and then download the paper (top right corner of the page under DOWNLOAD) here:

Newspaper e-story and film interview here:

ABC Radio Interview:

Sky & Telescope Article:

New Scientist:

Space Daily:

IFL Science article:

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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لباس کار15-Nov-2022 05:23
best website and good artcle . thanks
Rhoda Chang07-Sep-2022 12:29
خرید فالوور the great post and webstie <3
masoudmotamedi12-Jun-2022 16:38

other sizes: small medium large original auto
masoudmotamedi12-Jun-2022 16:38
دکتر تهامی
Sakib 26-Jan-2016 01:48
See this is what you get when you go deep! Great that you've discovered something new, cool to see you published in a professional journal! Now all you need to do is discover a new PN!
strongmanmike200212-Jan-2016 10:59
Cheers Larry and Pawel, it's a very cool... smudge :-)
Larry Jeter 11-Jan-2016 19:30
Wonderful find. It's interesting that your discovery may help advance dark matter research. I think the designation should be changed to MSC 1. (Michael Sidonio Catalog 1)
Pawel Lancucki11-Jan-2016 13:50

Congrats for that discovery. That is something every amateur wishes to do ;-) I got notified from Tak Yaho group. Good luck and continue your discoveries!

Pawel Lancucki
Warsaw, Poland