Full frame at 50% resolution If you are interested in one of these scopes email me at m.sidonio@bigpond.com Orion Optics AG12 F3.8 FLI ProLine 16803 CCD & CFW-5-7 + Atlas Focuser SII Ha OIII RGB = 70 105 80 6 6 6min (bin 1X1) Astronomik filters -30C chip temp, darks and flats (Astronomik Aurora Light Panel used for flats) Focal length 1180mm Image scale 1.57"/pix Guide Camera: Starlightxpress SXVH9 Comments Very average seeing, heavy light pollution but clear! Equipment setup: http://www.pbase.com/strongmanmike2002/ag12_testing Some links to equipment used to take this image: Orion Optics UK http://www.orionoptics.co.uk/ Finger Lakes Instrumentation CCD cameras: http://www.flicamera.com/ Astro-Elecronic FS2 scope GOTO controller: http://www.astro-electronic.de/ Gerd Neumann and Astronomik filters: http://www.astronomik.com/en/home http://www.gerdneumann.net/ MSB Software & Astroart 4 http://www.msb-astroart.com/ STAR Atlas:PRO planetarium software: http://www.staratlaspro.com/
Copyright Michael Sidonio 2024