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Sony Forums Challenges | all galleries >> Challenge 135: Shadows and Reflections (hosted by MFC & Fremiet) >> Challenge 135: Eligible > edit image
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Mirror Twins

Sony DSC-R1
0.77s f/16.0 at 70.4mm iso160 full exif

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mlynn 24-Jan-2007 03:39
Beautiful, shadowy shapes in that wax. --Melanie
Guest 23-Jan-2007 19:45
Very unusual picture, experimentation, like this, is what makes creativity. Cheers, MCsaba
Guest 23-Jan-2007 11:39
Thanks Bev, Helen and Mike for your nice comments (I always look forward for comments from friends, as it keeps my interest in these competitions alive)!
Sony Forums Challenges23-Jan-2007 01:06
Good idea, Zahid...I love the symmetry of composition and the sculptural feel to this piece. The way the candle is perfectly reflected in the mirror resembles the double-tower of a castle in a medieval, fantasy-type scene. Very nice lighting and wonderful capture of mood here. Creative and imaginative, Zahid...very nice photo. MFC
Helen Betts22-Jan-2007 20:35
Lovely image, beautiful light. Helen
Bev Brink 22-Jan-2007 20:33
Beautiful, Zahid. - especially the inner light. Bev