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Sony Forums Challenges | profile | all galleries >> Challenge 135: Shadows and Reflections (hosted by MFC & Fremiet) >> edit this gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Challenge 135: Eligible | Challenge 135: Exhibition | Challenge 135: Gallery Headers | Challenge 135: Demo Folder | Eligible Hits | Exhibition Hits

Challenge 135: Eligible

Challenge 135 is now CLOSED...thanks for all the fantastic photos!!

The Eligible gallery is for photos that follow two simple guidelines:
* The photo is to be taken with a Sony, Minolta, or Konica/Minolta brand digital camera.
* The photo is to be taken during the Challenge time period.

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1st Place WinnerFishing Boats by tcoen*
1st Place Winner
Fishing Boats by tcoen*
3rd PlaceResting Legs by Miguel Garcia-Guzman
3rd Place
"Resting Legs" by Miguel Garcia-Guzman
4th PlaceLegs Eleven
4th Place
Legs Eleven

by iso3200
5th PlaceEnd Of Dreams*  by MCsaba
5th Place
End Of Dreams*
by MCsaba
6th PlaceStruttin'*by mlynn
6th Place
by mlynn
7th PlaceThe Dark Side Of The Bloom*by Franky2005
7th Place
The Dark Side Of The Bloom*
by Franky2005
8th Place TieChain Bridge Anzix  by MCsaba
8th Place Tie
Chain Bridge Anzix
by MCsaba
8th Place TieShooterby Bev Brink
8th Place Tie
by Bev Brink
9th Place TieUrban Reflections
9th Place Tie
Urban Reflections

by Helen Betts
9th Place Tiemesh shadow
9th Place Tie
mesh shadow

by Katherine Stanback's Photos
10th PlaceClosing Time*by MCsaba
10th Place
Closing Time*
by MCsaba
HMBabel's Reflection * by Franky2005
Babel's Reflection *
by Franky2005
HMBlack...always a good choice*  by Fatih
Black...always a good choice*
by Fatih
HMFrom another world*
From another world*

by Barbara Corvino
Challenge HeaderThe End
Challenge Header
The End
Melted Glass*by mlynn
Melted Glass*
by mlynn
California Dreamin'  by Harvey Rawn
California Dreamin'
by Harvey Rawn
walkies  by Harvey Rawn
by Harvey Rawn
Lines and Shadows  by Harvey Rawn
Lines and Shadows
by Harvey Rawn


by Barbara Corvino
The shell*
The shell*
by Barbara Corvino
Bulbs*by Patty88
by Patty88
solarized reflectionportrait of self *
solarized reflection
portrait of self *

by Jeffrey Lewis Knapp
left reflectionright reflection *
left reflection
right reflection *

by Jeffrey Lewis Knapp
Mirror Twins
Mirror Twins
Boat Reflections*by tcoen
Boat Reflections*
by tcoen
Granville Island Fish Market*by tcoen
Granville Island Fish Market*
by tcoen
Body Shadow by Miguel Garcia-Guzman
"Body Shadow" by Miguel Garcia-Guzman
Mt. Everest x 2*
Mt. Everest x 2*
by Justin Miller
Shadow Vines*
Shadow Vines*
by Justin Miller
Bands*  by mlynn
by mlynn
Shiny New Car*
Shiny New Car*
by Justin Miller
Reflections of the sky by Miguel Garcia-Guzman
"Reflections of the sky" by Miguel Garcia-Guzman
My shadow kickboxing
My shadow kickboxing
by Katherine Stanback's Photos
both shadows and reflections
both shadows and reflections
by Katherine Stanback's Photos
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