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steve mcsweeny | all galleries >> raptors >> falcons > Merlin falcon.jpg
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Merlin falcon.jpg

Canon EOS 20D
1/400s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dave K. 11-Mar-2010 12:04
Looks like a Sharp-shinned to me. No mustache/malar.
joe 27-Nov-2007 22:42
Graham Tomlin26-May-2006 01:56
fab ;)
Guest 31-Jul-2005 17:00
Detail and sharpness here are simply amazing! Fantastic shot, very well done!
Chris28-Jul-2005 14:46
Awesome detail. Definitely a vote
Guest 18-Jul-2005 02:14
Guest 03-Jul-2005 02:37
Very nice!
Breland02-Jul-2005 02:52
Awesome capture!
Herb 01-Jul-2005 12:54
Guest 01-Jul-2005 11:26
Wow, I think he caught you with his sharp eyes. Great image.
How far away were you?