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14 - FEB - 2007 Silvano Candeo


Arnaldo, from Milano (Italy)

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Yiannis Pavlis04-May-2007 12:44
Excellent capture..beautiful light and colours.very well composed and presented.voted.
Titti 27-Feb-2007 18:13
Guest 24-Feb-2007 02:27
Silvano: Mysterious: that black hooded figure again. Wonderful. Lee
Ann Cleeves23-Feb-2007 22:34
This is intriguing.... the black phantom a boathouse or bookstall? Mysterious and effective.
Patricia Lay-Dorsey23-Feb-2007 22:31
Again you give a sense of environment that so many other photographers ignore. I find it so interesting to see these magical creatures in everyday situations. Bravo! V