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Banana Chai Latte

This is so simple to make and so incredibly delicious!

Before you begin... you must freeze bananas.
Take well ripened or overly ripe bananas, peel, and put in a zip-lock bag and put in the freezer. This is your "secret" stash!

You will need to find where you can purchase the Tazo Chai Tea Latte.
You will find it in the coffee and tea aisle of your grocery store. It is in liquid form in a box. I believe this is the same thing that Starbucks uses.

I particularly like the decaf chai tea latte, the green tea latte and the pumpkin latte, and any of these can be used with this recipe.
Next I will try the chocolate latte.

I will give the instructions to make one drink and then just multiply by how many drinks you wish to make.


Fill your glass nearly half full with the chai tea mixture.
Add milk (I use almond milk or you can use soy milk in place of regular milk). Regardless of your choice of milk, the final product will be decadent!
Fill remainder of glass with the milk but be sure to leave room for a frozen banana.

Pour the liquid into a blender.
Cut up the frozen banana into pieces and add to the blender. Yes, it is easy to cut even though it is frozen.
Use one banana per drink.

Buzz in a blender until smooth, frothy and icy cold.
Pour in a glass, top with a squirt of whipped cream, if desired, and you may also sprinkle with a little cinnamon or nutmeg.

Just a bit of heaven in a glass!
Good at any time of the day... morning, noon or night!

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/800s f/5.6 at 82.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Martin Lamoon14-Nov-2014 20:47
Superb photography, it looks really special.
Chris14-Nov-2014 20:46
Oh, my - I shall try it tomorrow. I keep overripe bananas in the freezer for smoothies and milkshakes already!
Isabel Cutler13-Nov-2014 23:55
This sounds scrumptious! I love tazo chai tea.
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