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Day 13. Nature

Which came first, the seed or the flower?

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Máire Uí Mhaicín20-Nov-2011 17:07
You have juxtaposed them beautifully, with echoes of their their colours in the lovely soft-focussed background.
Guest 15-Nov-2011 20:31
I don't think I have seen such beautiful seeds before... lovely image!
Janet Donnelly15-Nov-2011 17:06
Amazing! I've never seen anything like that before. Makes for a striking photo.
Maaike Huizer14-Nov-2011 08:42
HaHa, the egg or the chicken?
Lovely image.
Mieke WA Minkjan14-Nov-2011 06:57
without a seed pod a flower will not grow
amazing macro Sheila
borisalex14-Nov-2011 04:51
Yes..the question! Great shot! V.
Cindi Smith14-Nov-2011 02:11
Oh, how cool is that? Wow!!!!!!!
Janice Dunn14-Nov-2011 01:06
Those viola seeds are certainly packed in... Lovely little flower.
I reckon the flowers came first...
carol j. phipps14-Nov-2011 00:54
Wow! are those seeds for real ~ packed in those tiny leaves?! Amazing sight. Beautiful!
Karen Stuebing13-Nov-2011 22:19
I don't know but I love this photo of them together. Beautiful image.
laine13-Nov-2011 20:29
I think it's the chicken...though it could be the egg :)
Mine are drying off as we peak...such worthy little givers :)
Mairéad13-Nov-2011 20:11
The eternal conundrum - beautiful macro with the seeds like miniature pearls. V
Dawn McKenzie-Wykes13-Nov-2011 19:26
Nature is so amazing, beautiful capture.
Stephanie13-Nov-2011 15:38
LOL at Scott! What a beautiful image Sheila! The seed pod is absolutely fascinating! :)
J. Scott Coile13-Nov-2011 15:08
How cool... I'll take flower for $500. :-)
Guest 13-Nov-2011 14:17
This is so beautiful Sheila!!! Fabulous colors and detail! V
Brenda13-Nov-2011 11:30
Beautiful colors and nice macro. V