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Sheena Woodhead | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rother Valley Country Park > 17 August
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17 August

The cluster of buildings here, once a working mill and farm, is now used as the information centre at Rother Valley Country Park.
The small gable ended building with the chimney right in the centre is the Mill House, and a photo I took of it a few years ago is my most viewed image on Pbase.
It can be seen here
I've checked and like Ric says today's image is definitely better viewed at original size.

Nikon D70 ,Sigma 55-200mm f/4-5.6 DC
1/160s f/5.3 at 150.0mm ISO 200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 18-Aug-2005 06:51
WOW, im loving this! Very nice, such a beautiful place
Herb 18-Aug-2005 03:23
Nice shot
Cindy Flood18-Aug-2005 02:31
This is a lovely scene.
Dan Chusid18-Aug-2005 01:55
Yes, for some reason looks better in the jumbo format
as the large version loses sharpness.
Al Chesworth17-Aug-2005 23:24
Lovely picture Sheena, for me the swan gives it that extra ooph.
Ray :)17-Aug-2005 23:00
I really do find this time of day the best. Such a tranquil scene..
John Finlayson17-Aug-2005 22:06
Looks like an idyllic spot.
Ric Yates17-Aug-2005 21:05
Lovely shot - definitely better viewed at original size.
Lee Rudd17-Aug-2005 21:01
such a peaceful image
Zak17-Aug-2005 20:57
lovely shot