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July 31, 2006


This completes my first year of PaD. I didn't post every single day, but the experience of always looking for a shot, has helped me greatly. I really appreciate all of the support from all of my Pbase friends :-)

Nikon D50
1/125s f/5.6 at 78.0mm iso 200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Craig Persel09-Sep-2007 23:37
Fantastic shot.
Wei O'Connell03-Aug-2006 03:40
Beautiful composition. Great candid shot. voted.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik03-Aug-2006 02:11
Perfect composition. Your street candids are the best! Congratulations on a fine PAD year and looking forward to more excellent work. GMV Sandy
Greg Harp02-Aug-2006 23:09
Wonderful candid and composition. Superb timing, GMV
Richard Calmes02-Aug-2006 10:40
Excellent candid and perfect tones in the conversion! Well done! V
Guest 02-Aug-2006 06:38
Wonderful capture!!! Great candid and street shot!!! V.
Congratulations on your first year PAD and keep up posting more your great photo.
Kathy Pedersen02-Aug-2006 02:35
My Congrats on One year PAD!!!! What a stunning shot and treatment! Voted
Guest 02-Aug-2006 01:43
Superb street shot.
Focus02-Aug-2006 00:45
Wow.....great candid!!! Love the treatment on this - perfect! Voted.
Guest 01-Aug-2006 20:49
Great candid shot with excellent treatment, GMV!
Buz Kiefer01-Aug-2006 20:08
Great candid. Very nice lighting and the moment is just right. Vote.
Congrats on the year.
Gary Winters01-Aug-2006 18:11
Congratulations on the first year! You had many, many fine shots. I've always enjoyed your stuff.

I like this one, with two different and non-competing subjects, sort of. Make sense? The eye goes back and forth between the two guys and the whole scene is tied together. Good work.
QUERIDO01-Aug-2006 17:44
terrific shot, GMV
Guest 01-Aug-2006 17:35
Your street candids are always fantastic! V.
Rob Rosetti01-Aug-2006 15:37
Gongrats for the first year Kent!
This shot is marvelous! Excellent timing and catch! GMV Roberto
J. Scott Coile01-Aug-2006 15:06
CONGRATS on Year One too!!!
J. Scott Coile01-Aug-2006 15:05
Amazing candid Kent! VOTE.
Char01-Aug-2006 13:57
This is an excellent black and white! Wonderful street scene. GMV
Guest 01-Aug-2006 12:12
Congratulations for this year. Very nice candid, with an excellent exposure and treatment.
Guest 01-Aug-2006 11:56
Congratulations! That is the best part of PAD, reminding you to always look, and even more, to see.
Graham Tomlin01-Aug-2006 11:51
wonderful capture and a big well done v~ regards Helen
Guenter Eh01-Aug-2006 11:41
Congrats to the first year Kent! Keep on with your excellent works!

And I love your new work very much!
Sheila01-Aug-2006 11:30
Cool shot.
Congratulations on your 1st year. I always enjoy your images. Please keep on for another year! :-)
George Christakos01-Aug-2006 11:15
Wonderful capture. I can almost hear the music. V.