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shatterbug | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cityscapes, NYC > Concrete and Glass
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Concrete and Glass

World Financial Center, NYC

Nikon D50
1/320s f/13.0 at 19.0mm full exif

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Pixel Shooter14-Apr-2008 01:03
wonderful perspective, luv the B&W treatment with the darker sky, nicely done!!!
Guest 19-Nov-2006 23:57
Nice contrast in this shot. Good composition.
Guest 02-Oct-2006 19:52
impressive! perfect contrast makes me dizzy! vote
Guest 26-Sep-2006 01:20
Beautifuly captured.
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography10-Sep-2006 09:26
bellissima photo,vote
Carole Stevens04-Aug-2006 22:43
Stunning image, great tones and contrast works perfectly!
Guest 04-Aug-2006 01:53
Excellent treatment as always.
Jose Canovas03-Aug-2006 14:17
Wonderful light, compo, and so...Brilliant!
Guest 02-Aug-2006 22:06
Incredible bw image and my vote, supreme compsition.
Sheila01-Aug-2006 11:33
Char30-Jul-2006 21:55
Magnificent! Love this shot Kent. GMV
Graham Tomlin30-Jul-2006 19:36
very nice indeed regards Helen
Guenter Eh30-Jul-2006 14:03
Striking monochrom Kent!!!
Guest 30-Jul-2006 08:32
Fabulous, Kent! Love it in b/w. V.
Guest 30-Jul-2006 02:27
I ove this image, very very good, aesthetically and technically, as Galina said. The black and white is gorgeous. V
Brian McAllister30-Jul-2006 01:57
Excellent. Vote.
Gary Winters30-Jul-2006 01:42 amazing building! Good treatment which works well here.
Pepe Zyman29-Jul-2006 23:55
Excellent image!
Galina Stepanova29-Jul-2006 21:45
Good one, Kent, technically and aesthetically,
shatterbug29-Jul-2006 19:38
That would be a fine spot, Chris, with a view of the dock, the Hudson River, and the NJ skyline. :-)
Chris29-Jul-2006 19:34
Is it weird that I want to have a picnic on one of those outer tiers? :) Excellent BW