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June 27, 2006


Nikon D50
1/1000s f/5.6 at 200.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jeff Real11-Nov-2010 14:15
What a wonderful moment. Jubilant indeed! ~V~
Robin Reid03-Jul-2006 16:22
This is so full of life. Wonderful shot.
Greg Harp01-Jul-2006 05:24
Superb timing, great candid.
Guest 01-Jul-2006 00:52
One great moment. Excellent capture.
Guest 29-Jun-2006 18:10
Pure joy! I love it. Bravo.
Vilone29-Jun-2006 02:22
Great candid!
J. Scott Coile29-Jun-2006 01:23
Joyous :)
Buz Kiefer28-Jun-2006 20:47
Happy people in love. Great candid.
Jessica McCollum28-Jun-2006 18:20
Fantastic candid! She looks so happy : )
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik28-Jun-2006 17:48
Fabulous candid and perfect title. VOTE Sandy
George Christakos28-Jun-2006 16:09
Excellent candid. Full of emotions. Bravo my friend. V.
Char28-Jun-2006 16:01
Excellent candid shot! What great expressions they have. GMV
Rob Rosetti28-Jun-2006 14:37
Excellent, lovely candid! You've catched a moment of joy! Roberto
Guenter Eh28-Jun-2006 14:09
A joyful moment - captured just in time. Your candids are always excellent Kent! Thanks for the emotions with this compo!
Mindy McNaugher28-Jun-2006 13:02
Fabulous candid! Love the emotion! Perfect caption! Vote!
Kathy Pedersen28-Jun-2006 12:04
What a wonderful candid shot, perfect title!
laine8228-Jun-2006 09:45
Certainly is !! I like his handbag/purse/pocketbook/ better than hers :>)
BAS Photography28-Jun-2006 09:01
Chris28-Jun-2006 05:36
Beautiful candid. Great expressions captured. V.
Gra Tomlin28-Jun-2006 05:16
very nice Happy picture regards HELEN