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June 20, 2006


Dancers in Central Park

Nikon D50
1/200s f/5.3 at 145.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Greg Harp26-Jun-2006 00:09
Superb candid!
coaster23-Jun-2006 04:42
Excellent shot.
Guest 22-Jun-2006 01:56
And this is another great candid, Kent. The light and the expressions are... LOL! Bravo and vote.
Char22-Jun-2006 00:37
Great expessions and the lighting is really terrific in this shot kent.
J. Scott Coile21-Jun-2006 20:49
She look a little less sure that he does ;) Nice candid.
Vilone21-Jun-2006 16:38
Very nice candid, Kent!
Rob Rosetti21-Jun-2006 14:53
LOL Disco 92! Cool catch! V Roberto
Barb21-Jun-2006 12:14
Great candid.
Sabina Salihbasic21-Jun-2006 11:39
great candid! right moment! where they about to fall?
Guenter Eh21-Jun-2006 07:39
Wonderful expressions in theri faces - lovely snap Kent!
Chris21-Jun-2006 06:11
Excellent clarity and the light is
Graham Tomlin21-Jun-2006 06:11
very nice regards Helen
Graham Tomlin21-Jun-2006 06:11
very nice regards Helen
Kathy Pedersen21-Jun-2006 05:41
Wonderful candid moment!
Pepe Zyman21-Jun-2006 04:25
Very cool candid!
laine8221-Jun-2006 03:36
A lovely piece of work, Kent. Their expressions are amusing.
Sheila21-Jun-2006 03:20
Nice moment captured. I wonder what it was that made her look startled. Perhaps she saw someone they both know. He looks pleased.