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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Australia 2003-04 >> Port Douglas >> Sunrise tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

My Back Yard | Breakfast with the Birds | Sunrise | Port Douglas Market | My Diving Day Off | Life After Work at Opal Reef


I have been promising myself for months that I would make it to beautiful Four Mile Beach one day in time for sunrise.

Low and behold, two days before I'm due to leave I actually made it!!

Read about my adventures in Australia here

Some of my photos are now available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes, or as digital files, at

in time for sunrise
in time for sunrise
ebbing in
ebbing in
awaiting the sun
awaiting the sun
up by the mangroves
up by the mangroves
morning has broken
morning has broken
puddle of light
puddle of light
worth getting up for
worth getting up for
coconut dawn
coconut dawn
peeking through
peeking through
coconut debris
coconut debris
morning light
morning light
the world awakes
the world awakes