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Selvin Chance | profile | all galleries >> Flowers and flora of Hawaii >> Orchids of Hawaii tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Orchids of Hawaii

Ironically, there are only a small number of native Hawaiian orchids. There are actually only three. This is perhaps due to the difficulty of orchid seeds migrating across the vast oceanic distances. These native species are not particularly attractive to the general public. However, to horticulturalist they are gems.
Therefore, all of the orchids shown here are alien species introduced to Hawaii
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Lady Slipper (Paphiopedilum)
Lady Slipper (Paphiopedilum)
Lady Slipper (Paphiopedilum)
Lady Slipper (Paphiopedilum)
Pink Vanda Orchid
Pink Vanda Orchid
Vanda (Princess Mikasa Sapphire)
Vanda (Princess Mikasa "Sapphire")
Yellow Vanda
Yellow Vanda
Honohono Dendrobium
Honohono Dendrobium
Lizard amidst the Honohono orchids
Lizard amidst the Honohono orchids
Pink Vanda
Pink Vanda
Golden Vanda
Golden Vanda
Cymbidium orchid corsage
Cymbidium orchid corsage
Pink Cymbidium corsage
Pink Cymbidium corsage
Black lip orchid Bessey Creek (Coel. pandurata)
Black lip orchid "Bessey Creek" (Coel. pandurata)
Oncidium (Ampliatum)
Oncidium (Ampliatum)
Purple Phaleonopsis
Purple Phaleonopsis
White Phalaenopsis
White Phalaenopsis
Oncidium (Colm. Wildcat)
Oncidium (Colm. Wildcat)
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