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Carol How | all galleries >> Galleries >> Urban Poetry > Fun Forgotten Summer Day
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Fun Forgotten Summer Day

Delta, British Columbia

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globalgadabout04-Mar-2014 03:37
a melodic etude of light and form...V
Pawel24-Jan-2009 21:15
Wow! Beautifull! BV
Joanne Kamo03-Dec-2008 07:20
Very romantic and striking lighting with excellent mood!
cits_4_pets27-Sep-2008 07:02
nice perspective and lighting on the instrument shot. v
XiaoBernard9925-Sep-2008 10:11
Well done.The blurred face of the thing is welcome.Nice mood.sweet ...V
Guest 17-Sep-2008 14:00
Another image i wish i had taken!! Very subtle mood and delicious soft light. V
Dennis Camp05-Sep-2008 10:34
Nice mood.
Giancarlo Guzzardi13-Aug-2008 07:37
beautiful!.. so splendid lighting captured and great great mood
Claude Martin05-Aug-2008 22:30
Super light and abstract composition...V
settler05-Aug-2008 15:20
Love this!
Pat Shawyer05-Aug-2008 08:00
Thats a beauty !
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