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Scott Browne | all galleries >> Photo-A-Day-ish >> PAD 2006 >> June 2006 > Mailbox
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Carrollton, Texas

Playing around with perspective and I did two PADs for today. Here's the other one:

Canon PowerShot S50
1/200s f/4.5 at 7.1mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
laine8221-Jun-2006 20:10
And the neighbours are peeping through the curtains wondering why your on your back, with the camera in your hand. Would have been good for this weeks Transglobal Challenge " Look Up "
Faye White21-Jun-2006 10:41
so creative! I love it!
Neil Horner20-Jun-2006 18:53
fabulous lighting and perspective Scott.
J. Scott Coile20-Jun-2006 12:52
Great perspective. Lovely texture well accentuated against the blue. Glad the postman didn't run over you ;)
De'Carr Studio20-Jun-2006 02:58
Cool perspective....must be a snail mailbox
Bob Floyd20-Jun-2006 02:28
Wow, you must have been flat on your back to do this one. Great job. Very interesting.
Jen Bixler20-Jun-2006 01:50
Neat and very different PoV!