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Sayer | all galleries >> Parks & Refuges >> Robert H. Long Nature Park, Michigan > Swan Portrait
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24-SEP-2008 Sayer

Swan Portrait

Robert H. Long Park - Commerce Township, Michigan

Taken in very dim light the camera and lens both performed quite well.
This is the first camera that I have owned in which ISO 1600 is very useable.
I removed some noise from the background, but good detail was captured in the swan.

Taken during my first outing with new Sigmonster lens and 1D Mark III camera.
More images taken with this lens can be seen here.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Matthew Mannell16-Oct-2008 17:54
That does look really good for 1600.
Guest 28-Sep-2008 17:05
Beautiful light and nice detail. v
Guest 27-Sep-2008 21:37
Perfection! So detailed, you can reach out and touch.
Tricia26-Sep-2008 15:56
This is amazing, you did manage to capture a lot of detail in the feathers.
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